Kaavya Scandal Update
In what will likely be the final update on the Kaavya Viswanathan scandal, her publisher, Little, Brown & Co., announced earlier today that they will not be re-releasing Viswanatha’s book, "How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life" nor will they be publishing her second book, which is still under contract.
Little, Brown & Co. refused to comment about whether or not Viswanathan will be required to relinquish her six-figure advancement or incur any other damages.
In related news, The Record of Bergen County announced that it is going to hire an outside firm to check for plagiarism in feature articles that Viswanathan when she was in high school. There is also still no word about rumored disciplinary action from Harvard University, where Viswanathan is studying.
[tags]Plagiarism, Kaavya, Viswanathan, Content Theft, Copyright Infringement[/tags]Want to Reuse or Republish this Content?
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