3 Count: Closed Street

Well, permanently enjoined anyway...

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1: Oracle wins more damages, injunction vs. Rimini Street

First off today, Larry Dignan at ZDNet reports that Oracle has won still another victory in its case against Rimini Street as additional damages bring Rimini Street’s tab up to nearly $100 million.

Rimini Street is a company that provides third party support for Oracle products. Oracle sued for copyright infringement claiming that Rimini Street illegally downloaded and stored Oracle software on their servers. Rimini Street has said that it has since changed its practices.

However, that didn’t stop the court from hitting the company with $50 million in damages at trial. Now, after handling post-trial motions, the court has issued a permanent injunction against Rimini Street and added another $46 million in attorneys fees and costs. Rimini Street notes that this is significantly less than the $250 million in damages Oracle wanted but has already promised to appeal the verdict.

2: BMG Pressed Internet Provider to Pay Piracy Compensation

Next up today, Ernesto at Torrentfreak writes that US ISP RCN has submitted an amended complaint in its lawsuit against BMG and, with it, shares a letter that indicates BMG sent them seeking both compensation for infringements taking place on its network and the installation of preventative measures.

BMG is a music publisher that controls the compositions to many popular songs. Lately, through the use of the company Rightscorp, BMG has been aggressive in targeting BitTorrent file sharers as well as ISPs that it sees as being less than cooperative. They recently won a $25 million judgment against another ISP, Cox, over its failure to terminate repeat infringers.

However, in the case of RCN, it was the ISP that filed suit first, seeking a declaratory judgment of non-infringement. With the amended complaint, RCN is sharing the letter that sparked the lawsuit, which says that RCN could be liable for up to $150,000 per infringed work and requests a chance to discuss a settlement.

3: Democratic Lawmakers Urge Support for Wheeler’s Revised Set-Top Box Proposal

Finally today, Brendan Bordelon at Morning Consult reports that Representatives Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren, both Democrats, are throwing their support behind the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) set-top box proposal that would increase competition in cable and satellite set-stop boxed.

Under the proposal, which was put forth by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, cable and satellite companies would be required to create apps that would third parties to build set-top boxes for their services. Cable companies and content creators object to this plan, expressing concern over how copyrighted work will be handled in this system and the creation of a copyright licensing body overseen by the FCC.

However, Rep. Eschoo and Lofgren say that there is nothing in the proposal that would require copyrighted content be carried by a provider without the consent of the copyright holder. They asked colleagues at the FCC to support the proposal, which the FCC is to vote on on the 29th.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

The 3 Count Logo was created by Justin Goff and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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