3 Count: Autoflop
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1: Judge Denies Injunction Against Dish ‘AutoHop Ad-Skipper’
First off today, Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter writes that the TV networks have suffered a setback in their case against Dish Network and their “AutoHop” DVR system that automatically skips commercials. According to a sealed ruling, the judge in the case has denied the networks a preliminary injunction against the DVR. However, both sides are viewing the ruling as a victory as the judge is allowing the networks to pursue some controversial theories on infringement. The networks sued Dish Network claiming that the “AutoHop” service was an infringement of their copyright and a breach of contract. With the injunction denied, the case now moves on with more discovery and, possibly, a full trial.
2: Hollywood Docket: Google Replies to ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Lawsuit
Next up today, in another story by Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter, Google has responded to Cindy Lee Garcia’s lawsuit against them over the controversial “Innocence of Muslims” video. Garcia, who was an actor in the film, claims she was duped into participating in the controversial movie and wants it pulled from YouTube on copyright grounds, claiming that her performance is copyrighted and that she never signed away the rights, something the judge has already disagreed with. Google, however, doesn’t buy her claims to copyright and notes that she did not produce, direct or write the script in the film. However, most likely the judge won’t look at those issues at this phase and instead focus on if leaving the video online does irreparable harm to the plaintiff.
3: Three US bloggers set to file plagiarism complaint vs Sen. Sotto
Finally today, Shaira Panela of GMA News reports that three U.S. bloggers are now filing a complaint against Philippine Senator Vicente “Tito” Sotto III for allegedly plagiarizing their work. The three bloggers content that Soto used content from their blogs in speeches he gave on a controversial reproductive health bill in the country. The alleged plagiarism became a scandal within the Philippines but Soto has denied the allegations and has even lashed out at his accusers, accusing them of being political opponents or liars. Though the joint complaint has been passed around online, it is yet to be submitted to the Philippine Senate Ethics Committee. However, Soto has said he welcomes the complaint to be filed as he looks forward to clearing his name.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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