3 Count: Dear Frank
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1: Damon Dash Loses $805K Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
First off today, Preezy Brown at Vibe reports that Damon Dash has been ordered to pay over $800,000 in damages over the movie Dear Frank and allegations that Dash was attempting to shop the film around without the permission of the rightsholders.
According to the lawsuit, which was filed by Muddy Water Pictures, Dash was hired to co-direct the film in 2016 but was fired some two years later. However, after his firing, the lawsuit alleges Dash began to shop the film around to others under the name The List. This prompted Muddy Water Pictures to file a lawsuit for alleged copyright infringement, defamation and more.
A jury has now ruled in that case and sided with Muddy Water Pictures. They have awarded the company Some $155,000 in copyright infringement damages and $650,000 in damages related to the defamation. Both sides took to social media, with Dash claiming that “You have to lose some battles to win a war… Stay tuned” hinting at a possible appeal.
2: Comedy Copyright Claims Against Pandora Consolidated Into One Lawsuit
Next up today, Chris Cooke at Complete Music Update reports that all the lawsuits filed against Pandora by comedians have been consolidated into a single lawsuit, in a bid to streamline and simplify the litigation process.
The lawsuits were filed by a variety of comedians, alleging that Pandora was not paying royalties for the compositions of their routines. According to the lawsuits, Pandora has long paid royalties on the audio recordings but has failed to do so on the rights to the compositions.
However, now the case has been reduced from several virtually identical lawsuits to just one case. This aims to help all involved streamline the process and not overload the courts with a huge number of similar cases.
3: ‘Copyright Troll’ Accuses Defense of Extortion and Unjust Enrichment
Finally today, Ernesto Van der Sar at Torrentfreak writes that the owners of Malibu Media have hit back at a former defendant that they say is guilty of “unjust enrichment” following their failed attempt to sue him.
For a time, Malibu Media was one of the most prolific copyright litigants in the world. They would routinely target those that they claimed pirated their content and seek quick settlements. However, one such defendant, identified as Mr. Mullins, fought back and won after Malibu Media decided to dismiss the case.
However, that didn’t mean the case was over. Mullins was seeking compensation for his legal fees and, when Malibu Media refused to turn over its evidence in the case, the court sided with Mullins. This prompted the court to order Malibu Media, as well as its owner, to pay $108,271 in costs and fees. However, now the company is responding and accusing the defendant of “unjust enrichment”. The motion goes on to say that the amount is “fraud and extortion”. They are seeking a “refund” of $110,000 as well as emotional damages totaling around $360,000.
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