3 Count: To Boldly Go…

In a different direction...

3 Count LogoHave any suggestions for the 3 Count? Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday.

1: ‘Star Trek’ Copyright Settlement Allows Fan Film to Proceed

First off today, Christopher Mele at The New York Times reports that CBS and Paramount have reached a settlement with the team behind Axanar that both ends the lawsuit and allows the film to continue, albeit under very different conditions.

Axanar was to be a crowd-funded Star Trek fan film that raised more than $1.1 million in crowdfunding. That funding came after the team released Prelude to Axanar, a mock documentary set in the Star Trek universe. After Axanar closed its crowdfunding, CBS and Paramount sued and, after a series of recent verdicts, it seemed that their victory was inevitable with only one issue set to move forward to trial.

The settlement has put the lawsuit to an end and allows Axanar to move forward, but it must comply with previously-released guidelines for Star Trek fan fiction. This means that Axanar will be reduced from a 90-minute feature film to two 15-minute stories that can only be distributed without ads. The settlement also allows Prelude to Axanar to stay online, so long as no ads are run on it.

2: Facebook blocks Kremlin-backed Russia Today (RT) over copyright infringement

Next up today, the International Business Times reports that Facebook temporarily banned Russia Today, an English and Russian language news service sponsored by the Russian government, from posting links or live streaming following a copyright complaint.

the ban would have covered the recent Presidential inauguration and would have prevented the posting of anything other than text posts. However, that ban was reversed in time for them to cover the event.

The ban went into effect as Russia Today was covering President Obama’s final via a livestream. According to Facebook they received a copyright complaint from Current Time TV, another Russian news organization, but Current Time denied sending any such complaint.

3: Kylie Jenner Avoids Litigation, Following Copyright Infringement Threats

Finally today, The Fashion Law reports that artist Vlada Haggerty and Kylie Jenner have managed to avoid litigation as Jenner has agreed to attribute Haggerty’s Instagram photos and Haggerty has agreed to not sue over the previous misuse of her images.

The story began when Jenner posted two photos by Haggerty on the Instagram channel for her cosmetics line. Haggerty, herself a well-known artist, quickly sought out legal counsel.

However, despite reports to the contrary, Haggerty had not filed a lawsuit so there is no litigation to settle. Instead, Jenner has agreed to attribute the use of Haggerty’s photos on her Instagram accounts though it is unclear if Jenner also paid a license for the images.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

The 3 Count Logo was created by Justin Goff and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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