3 Count: Irish Independence

And Content ID's name is under fire...

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1: Irish Independent Takes Legal Action Against TheLiberal.ie Over Plagiarism Claims

First off today, TheJournal.ie reports that two Irish new organizations, Independent Newspapers Ltd., which publishers the Irish Independent and, CCC Nuacht have filed a lawsuit against Leo Sherlock and his site, The Liberal.ie.

According to the publishers, Sherlock’s site have plagiarized their content, passing off their work as their own. They claim to have sent multiple warning letters to Sherlock to no avail, forcing them to take the matter to court.

TheLiberal.ie was launched in 2014 as an alternative to “mainstream” Irish press. It presents Irish current events through a strong political lens and has drawn controversy for those views. Sherlock did not comment on the lawsuit.

2: Audible Magic Accuses YouTube of Fraud Over Content ID Trademark

Next up today, Andy at Torrentfreak writes that YouTube’s efforts to register a trademark for its Content ID copyright-enforcement system may have hit a snag as Audible Magic claims it was using the name before YouTube and that YouTube’s license to the name expired in 2009.

In the early days of YouTube, Audible Magic provided the filtering software that was used detect and block infringing uploads on the site. Named Content ID, Audible Magic licensed the intellectual property, including the name, to YouTube (and Google after the buyout) until 2009.

However, YouTube continued to use the name and, three years ago, Google filed an application with the US Patent and Trademark Office to formally register the name. Audible Magic has filed an objection to that, stating its first use of the name was at least three years before YouTube and that it is deeply concerned about YouTube using the mark in a space already occupied by Audible Magic.

3: Former Copyright Office Head to Run Publishing Trade Group

Finally today, the Associated Press is reporting that Maria Pallante, the former Register of Copyrights at the US Copyright Office, will now become president and CEO of the Association of American Publishers beginning next week.

Pallante, whose sudden reassignment by new Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden sent shock waves through copyright communities and Washington. Her removal heightened calls for an independent Copyright Office.

After Pallante refused to accept her new position, she left the Copyright Office entirely. Starting next week, she will assume her new position, which is expected to involve dealings with the Library of Congress.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

The 3 Count Logo was created by Justin Goff and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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