Plagiarism Today Sponsors 2015 Plagiarism Education Week

turnitinpewlogo2015For what is now the the third year in a row, I’m very happy to announce that Plagiarism Today is sponsoring Turnitin’s Plagiarism Education Week.

Plagiarism Education Week is a virtual conference that takes place in April every year. This year it will be from April 20-24 and will feature 7 different talks, each 45-minutes long, from experts in academic integrity from all over the world.

This year’s talks include the following (list taken directly from press release):

Other sponsors of the event include The School for Ethical Education, the International Center for Academic Integrity and the Wiki Education Foundation.

All of the talks are free though pre-registration is required to attend. So, if you think you might be interested in one or more, go ahead and register today, not just to save your spot, but to be reminded before it begins.

All in all, it is an exciting and packed lineup. I’ve had the chance to see many of these people speak before at the International Plagiarism Conference and am excited to see what they’re working on. I’ll be attending as many of the talks that I can so, if you’re available, come stop by.

Hope to see some of you at the webcasts!

Disclosure: I am a paid consultant for iThenticate, which is owned by iParadigms, which also owns Turnitin.

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