Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 325 – Special 301
It is Friday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.
This week was an interesting one. It began with a phantom story that literally changed between the time I reviewed it and when the podcast started, creating confusion. However, the change was good because, instead of merely talking about a small part of the Special 301 report, we got the chance to talk about the whole thing.
But we didn’t stop there, we have news that Chinese DVD ripping ompany DVDFab is challenging the seizure of its domains in the United States, James Franco is sued over an autobiographical novel and Fox hits back hard against claims that “New Girl” was based on the work of others.
We also have news that Prenda Law tried, in vain, to claim poverty as a means to avoid a court sanction and there is concern in Canada that a new privacy act could make copyright “troll” lawsuits much easier. All of that an some interesting timing on an anti-piracy initiative at Russian social network VKontakte and you have one interesting episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show!
This week’s stories include:
- USTR Releases Special 301 Report
- DVDFab Seeks Return of Domains and Social Media Accounts
- James Franco Sued Over Planned Film
- Fox Asks for “New Girl” Lawsuit to Be Dismissed
- Prenda Pleads Poverty to Avoid Fine, Fails
- Canadian Privacy Act May Make Copyright Lawsuits Easier
- VKontakte Signs Memo to Combat Piracy, Shortly After Takeover
You can download the MP3 file here (direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.
About the Hosts
Jonathan Bailey
Jonathan Bailey (@plagiarismtoday) is the Webmaster and author of Plagiarism Today (Hint: You’re there now) and works as a copyright and plagiarism consultant. Though not an attorney, he has resolved over 700 cases of plagiarism involving his own work and has helped countless others protect their work and develop strategies for making their content work as hard as possible toward their goals.
Patrick O’Keefe
Patrick O’Keefe (@PatrkickOkeefe) is the owner of the iFroggy Network, a network of websites covering various interests. He’s the author of the book “Managing Online Forums,” a practical guide to managing online communities and social spaces. He maintains a blog about online community management at and a personal blog at
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