Upcoming Self-Plagiarism Webcast
Self plagiarism has been a difficult topic for me to discuss as it’s clearly a divisive issue that people feel very strongly about. Whether I’m talking about it in the context of the Jonah Lehrer case (the early parts of the scandal) or in broder terms such as academic self-plagiarism, it’s been a polarizing issue that’s sparked many great debates and discussions.
However, I’m going to be continuing that conversation on November 1st. iThenticate, the makers of the plagiarism detection product of the same name, is hosting a webcast entitled “What is Mine is Mine: Self-Plagiarism, Ownership and Author Responsibility“.
I’ll be on that panel along with Kelly McBridge, the Senior Faculty on ethics, reporting and writing for Poynter and Rachael Lammey, the project manager at CrossRef, an aossiciation founded by publishers that aims, among other things, to help improve citation and attribution in publishing.
The panel will be moderated by Jason Chu, the plagiarism educator at Turnitin, the sister product to iThenticate.
In this panel we’ll be focusing on three separate areas, namely:
- Why is self-plagiarism a concern?
- The reasons for self-plagiarism.
- How publications can best avoid self-plagiarism issues.
The webcast will be held on November 1 at 11:30 AM PST (2:30 PM EST). Registration is required but it is free to attend.
It’s going to be a great conversation and I’m excited to be a part of it. If you want to join you can visit the registration page and sign up.
Hope to see some of you there for what should be a great conversation on a very difficult but important subject!
Disclosure: I am a paid consultant for iThenticate.
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