Plagiarism Today Announcement on TS/Hurricane Issac
If you’ve been watching the news, you’re no doubt aware that Tropical Storm Isaac is slated to soon become Hurricane Isaac and be headed to the gulf coast somewhere between the Florida panhandle and the New Orleans area.
As a New Orleans resident this obviously affects me very directly and will likely have an effect on the site as I’m not only going to be scrambling to ensure the safety of myself, my family, my friends and my property, but also facing extended periods with no power or access.
I am getting in contact with clients today and tonight about plans for specific projects and will post updates on Plagiarism today as I can. I’m hoping that this is just a short blip that passes quickly with minimal downtime but I’m aiming to be prepared if it isn’t.
I will stay in touch and let you know what happens and resume posting and regular contact here as soon as possible.
I hope that you all stay safe and are well.
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