3 Count: One Piece
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1: US Ordered to Release Megaupload Evidence to Defence
First off today, the BBC is reporting that a New Zealand court has ordered the United States to turn over evidence against Kim Dotcom and Megaupload so that the evidence can be used by the defense in an upcoming extradition hearing. Megaupload was a file hosting service that was shuttered following a raid by U.S. and New Zealand authorities. Many employees of the company, including its founder Kim Dotcom, were arrested and Dotcom is facing extradition from his native New Zealand to the U.S. over the charges. However, the U.S. government, which obtained much of the evidence used against him in raids on his hosting provider in the U.S., has hesitated to turn that evidence over to the defense. Now the court has ordered the evidence to be turned over by June 19th so that it can be used in the upcoming extradition hearing.
2: Microsoft Outsources Copyright Enforcement to Small Redmond Company
Next up today, Cyrus Farivar at Ars Technica writes that Microsoft, according to Google, may be the most prolific DMCA filer on when it comes to search results, but that most of those DMCA notices are actually being filed by a small company named Marketly, which was founded by a former Microsoft employee that doesn’t clearly advertise it provides the service. While DMCA outsourcing is not uncommon, and is a service I provide myself, it’s unusual for such a large company to use a relatively unknown provider.
3: Why the Japanese Cops Will Arrest You for Selling Sexy One Piece Knock-Offs
Finally today, Brian Ashcraft of Kotaku writes that, in Japan, copyright holders and police alike are cracking down on the makers of “makaizou figures”, or sexualized figures from popular Japanese mangas and animes. Historically, the figures were made by fans and occasionally sold at conventions, however, as sale of the figurines have moved online, more companies are taking action, including one man who was recently arrested for selling such figures of characters from the manga “One Piece” online. He stands accused of violating Japanese copyright law, not decency laws, for selling the figures.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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