Guest Blog for Plagiarism Today
Wednesdays tend to be pretty busy days for me. Not only do I have the podcast w/ Patrick O’Keefe at 5 PM ET and 4 PM CT (which you should definitely come join us in the chat for sometime), but it’s also the day I write articles for Performancing and BloggingPro.
With so much going on on Wednesdays, I don’t have a lot of time to write full articles for Plagiarism Today so I tend to keep things shorter or just skip them if I am too far behind. However, lately I’ve been getting a lot of interest from people wanting to post guest blog entries on PT so I’ve decided, for now at least, to make Wednesdays a semi-regular day for guest bloggers.
Tomorrow will be the first in the series as Sean Harmer from Distil (previous coverage) will be posting an article going over some of the stats he’s observed through his content network.
I have a few others who have expressed interest over the next month (though one or two slots remain open) but I would like to make this a regular, ongoing thing on Plagiarism Today. I see this as a great chance to get outside viewpoints on these topics and have some great discussions on these complex issues.
To do that though, I need you to guest blog on Plagiarism Today. I’m looking for anyone who is interested in writing an article for PT to get in touch with me about their idea.
With that in mind, here’s the quick rundown of what I’m ideally looking for and how you can get your column published here.
Who Can/Should Write?
The main thing I want is variety. I want as many different viewpoints as possible not just from a ideological standpoints, but in every other regard as well. Here are a few examples of the types of people I’d like to hear from:
- Content creators, large and small, that have struggled with copyright and plagiarism issues
- Industry leaders working to build solutions for these problems
- Teachers, professors and other educators involved in dealing with academic plagiarism
- Creators that have found creative solutions to either thwart infringement or build a carrer in spite of it
- Political leaders wanting to express their views on these topics
Basically if you’ve got a story or a viewpoint on copyright and plagiarism issues, I want to hear it. Even if I disagree with what you have to say, I want you to have a chance to speak and be heard.
Details and Requirements
With that in mind, here’s a list of requirements for a guest post.
- Guest posts should be new, original works about copyright and/or plagiarism issues and be at least 500 words long
- Though I will do some editing, posts should be relatively error-free and not containing any material that is libelous, copyright infringing or otherwise legally dubious
- You do not need to include an image with your work unless you wish to choose which image is used
- The article is due 12 hours before publication, which will usually be around noon CT on Wednesday
In return, guest authors get the following:
- An author bio box w/ image (if provided), up to 75 words of text and up to two relevant links.
- Article published on Plagiarism Today and sent out via all available social media outlets
- A warm, fuzzy feeling of reaching out to a new community and audience
As far as the format of articles, I can accept most attachments though sharing via Google Docs is probably going to be the easiest.
Also note, all guest posts will have a disclaimer stating that it is a guest post and that the opinions reflected within may not necessarily be those of myself. Also, if you are a client of mine, there will also be the normal disclosures.
Finally, once the post is published on PT, you are free to also use the content on your site and I make no copyright claim in the work other than the license needed to display the post. I merely ask that the post be unique to Plagiarism Today at time of publication.
All in all though, it should be straightforward and, hopefully, reasonably flexible.
Getting in Touch
If you’re interested in doing a guest post for PT, please feel free to contact me via email. Though you can submit an article without discussing it first, it’s much more likely to be accepted if you present the idea first and we hash out the details.
Basically, I don’t want anyone wasting their time creating an article that isn’t likely to be published.
On that note, I’d love to hear about your ideas and see when I can get you involved. If you’ve got something to say, I want to give you a time and place to say it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write me. Thank you in advance for your interest and I’m looking forward to seeing what you have to say!
Want to Reuse or Republish this Content?
If you want to feature this article in your site, classroom or elsewhere, just let us know! We usually grant permission within 24 hours.