3 Count: Bohemian Takedown
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1: New Copyright Center Ready to Fire on Pirates
First off today, Greg Sandoval at CNet is reporting that film studios and record companies have unveiled plans for a copyright center to act as an intermediary between ISPs and copyright holders in implementing the graduated response system proposed last year. Previously, ISPs and major copyright holders in the U.S. agreed to a “six strikes” system where users will be notified if their accounts are used to download infringing material and, after 4-5 warnings, may see other action, though account termination is not possible under the system. Jill Lesser, managing director of lobbying and public policy firm The Glover Park Group, has been chosen to head the organization, which is going by the name the Center for Copyright Infringement (CCI). Other members of the advisory board have been announced, including Gigi Sohn, president and CEO of Public Knowledge. Though there is no hard deadline for when the group will be sending notices, the RIAA has previously said they are on track to start by the end of the second quarter.
2: US Copyright Office Considers Stopgap Scanning Solution for Card Catalog Due to ‘Rudimentary Budget’
Next up today, the U.S. Copyright Office, battling budget limitations in trying to scan and computerize some 45 million pre-1978 copyright registration cards, has announced it’s considering a plan to create a virtual card catalogue that, while not having any useful metadata for a search, will allow users to scroll through the cards as if there were at the USCO. Though the measure would not be the full implementation the USCO had hoped, it would be a stopgap designed to provide a solution until a full one can be funded.
3: Video of Drunken Alberta Man Singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Removed Over Copyright Infringement
Finally today, a viral video of a drunken Alberta, Canada man singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” has been removed from YouTube following copyright complaints from EMI publishing, which holds the rights to the original song. The video, which was recorded by a camera in a police car, shows a drunken man singing almost the entire song in the back. The video became a viral sensation, earning over a million views, but now EMI apparently is ordering that may copies of the video be taken down (though at least some appear to have been removed by the uploader). However, the video can be found on other sites, including many news sites that have picked up the story.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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