3 Count: Clarity Needed
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1: Legislator Calls for Clarifying Copyright Law
First off today, Representative John Conyers (D-MI) has called for clarification of termination rights to make it certain who is eligible for copyright termination. Copyright termination allows artists, after 35 years in the case of works created after 1978, to terminate exclusive licenses and copyright transfers they granted others, reclaiming the work. Many musicians are queuing up to file such terminations and the record labels are poised to battle those requests. Conyers, wishing to avoid years of expensive litigation, wants to preemptively clarify the law in favor of artists. Conyers is also the senior Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, a critical committee for passing such legislation.
2: NM Courtroom Sketch Artist Sues AP, Getty Over Copyright
Net up today, prominent courtroom artist Patricia Lopez has filed a suit against both the Associated Press and Getty Images claiming that they have violated her copyright by reselling and reproducing her work. Though she was paid for the images, according to Lopez, she retained copyright in her works and disapproved of their continued sale, prompting the lawsuit. Neither the AP nor Getty had any comment.
3: Is Copyright Only For the Big Guys?
Finally today, Torrentfreak has an article featuring two recent cases in Britain, one with the BBC and one with the Daily Mail, where the news companies infringed copyrights of smaller creators, namely photographers whose images they wanted to use in stories, and largely escaped any punishment for it. According to Torrentfreak, this may be an indication that copyright is only for big corporations, the ones who can afford to protect it and has asked others to weigh in on the conversation.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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