Speaking at the University of Advancing Technology Tech Forum
I just wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be speaking at the University of Advancing Technology’s Tech Forum this November. Held November 2-4 in Tempe, AZ, I’ll be speaking on the 4th at 12:30 PM, first talk of that day.
My talk, which is entitled “The Technology of Plagiarism: A 30-Year History of Cat and Mouse” will be detailing the most powerful tools in plagiarism and plagiarism detection, including many of the various tricks plagiarists have used over the years to get away with copying content and what the detection companies are doing about it.
It will be a very different talk for me, one I haven’t actually delved into before in a presentation, but I’m looking forward to it and to possibly meeting a few good friends while I’m in Tempe.
So, if you’re in the area and interested in going, registration for the conference is open and I hope to see some of you there!
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