3 Count: Supreme Interest

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1: Supreme Court Eyeing RIAA ‘Innocent Infringer’ Case

First off today the U.S. Supreme Court has asked the RIAA to respond to the Whitney Harper case, which saw a former high-school cheerleader be sued for sharing files. The District court had found her to be an innocent infringer and ordered her to pay $200 per song though the Appeals Court ruled that was not the case and raised the amount to $750 per track. Harper filed a petition with the Supreme Court and now the court has asked the RIAA to respond, indicating that they might be interested in taking up the case. This could be a major challenge for the RIAA’s litigation campaign and the high damage awards it has obtained in its court cases.

2: EU Parliament Calls for Pan-EU Copyright Law

Next up today the EU Parliament has adopted a report that calls on the EU Commission to create a standard copyright law that will be applicable to all nations within the bloc. According to report, there is too much difference in copyright law between the different nations and that existing regimes are not able to adequately discourage copyright infringement. The report also calls for multi-territorial licenses to help streamline the process of obtaining rights across the EU bloc.

3: Google wins YouTube case in Spain

Finally today, in a major win for Google a court in Spain has found the company’s YouTube site to be not liable for infringing videos hosted on the service. The ruling comes after Spanish broadcaster Telecinco accused the company of profiting from the infringements of its content. However, since YouTube provides a means to prevent such content from appearing on their site and that it is the responsibility of the copyright holder to notify hosts of potential copyright issues. YouTube has said that it hopes to work with Telecinco in the future, though for now Telecinco has been ordered to pay Google’s court costs.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

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