3 Count: Third Time’s a…
Have any suggestions for the 3 Count? Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday.
1: Remarkable Third Trial Coming for RIAA’s First P2P Defendant
First off today, the record labels have submitted a rejection of the judge’s reduced damages award in the Jammie Thomas-Rasset case and have set the stage for a truncated third trial solely on the issue of damages. The labels won $1.92 million in damages in the second trial, after a $222,000 judgement was vacated. The judge then reduced that award to $54,000 and ordered the RIAA to either accept the reduced amount or prepare for a new trial on damages, which record labels are doing now.
2: Goojje Not to Change Logo Despite Google Objection
Next up today, upstart Chinese search engine and portal Goojje has said they will not change their logo, which bears a strong resemblance to Google’s, despite the threat of a copyright lawsuit from the U.S. search giant. Goojje, has chosen to remain defiant in the face of Google’s legal threats and also apparent hacker attacks that have brought the site down in recent days.
3: Pirate Movie Privacy Case Set For The Supreme Court
Finally today, we have an update to a strange case in Norway. In 2008, the Filmkameratene studio released the movie Max Manus in theaters, the most expensive Norwegian movie at the time, only to have it pirated, allegedly by a projectionist. After an investigation, the studio felt it had its man but tried to compel the ISP used to upload the video to divulge the information about the subscriber, a matter that went to court. The court ruled in the case but the verdict was sealed, much to the chagrin of privacy advocates. However, this unknown verdict is now being appealed, by one side or another, to the Supreme Court of Norway.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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