Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 86
It is Monday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.
It is a catch up week for us here. As you may note, this is being called Episode 86 instead of 85 since last week I was in the Netherlands and unable to record/edit. So, rather than mess up the weeks and the tagging system, I have skipped 85 and gone straight to what this week would have been, 86.
All of that aside, it has been a very busy couple of weeks for copyright news with stories from all over the world. We have more lawsuits being filed, a few that are reaching their end, the closure of one torrent tracker, a foolish attempt by Toyota to DMCA their fans and an appearance by Monty Python (sort of).
All in all, there were twenty two stories this week including news from all over the copyright world including our “Weird Story of the Week”.
This week’s stories include:
- French Record Labels Sue Sourceforge, Soulseek
- Tennessee Law Forces Schools to Filter Pirated Material
- Movie Studios Sue an Australian ISP
- Toyotal Apologizes for Miscommunication over Wallpapers
- Monty Python Appears on YouTube (Officially)
- And Many more…
You can download the MP3 file here (direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.
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