Copyright News Links 11-08-08
It is a somewhat short week for the linkroll this time around. With Chris no longer recording on the Copyright 2.0 Show, we had to move the time for the recording from Sunday to Saturday, pushing me to complete the linkroll earlier, thus, this only represents six days, not seven, of copyright news.
Still, there was a lot of major copyright news this week including a new strategy from MTV and Viacom for profiting from online video, an MPAA offensive in South Africa and rumors that Obama is already being lobbied on copyright matters.
Also, there are a lot of other great humorous copyright stories including several candidates for “Weird Story of the Week”.
Remember, as usual, this week’s linkroll is a “raw” link list. Some stories are duplicated, some do not point to their original sources and some may not be accurate. A great deal of refining goes into producing the show notes for the Copyright 2.0 Show.
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