Weekend Linkroll – 03-15-08

It has been a very busy week for copyright news with many major stories taking place at once. From updates to the Viacom case to major news on the RIAA front, both in and out of the courtroom, a critical chapter in copyright history is being written right now.

Of course, as always, that’s just part of the news. We also have our usual assortment of strange news, including comedian and magician Penn Jillette weighing in on copyright matters, a now-famous escort claiming infringement over her photos and the now famous “IFPI Bump”.

Remember, as usual, this week’s linkroll is a “raw” link list. Some stories are duplicated, some do not point to their original sources and some may not be accurate. A great deal of refining goes into producing the show notes for the Copyright 2.0 Show.

Note: This week I will be recoding the show alone as Chris will be on vacation. He will return next week as usual.

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