Housekeeping: New Contact Form and MyBlogLog
With the holiday causing traffic to the site to taper off significantly, I took the opportunity to make some minor upgrades to site.
First, I modified the "Contact Plagiarism Today" page to use a new, much more simple, form. The form is still CAPTCHA protected, at least to a degree, but doesn’t require all of the information that the former contact form required.
This form was probably the number one complaint users had about the site and, hopefully, this will take care of it.
Second, I’ve added a plugin to include MyBlogLog icons in the comments. This comes along with a slight redesign of the comments themselves.
Let me know what you think of that feature. You can test it on any post with a decent amount of comments.
Finally, in a brief update to my previous posts about the trackback and comment spam attack. The attack has seemingly subsided some but I have had to remove Defensio as a plugin. It was causing reCAPTCHA to fail and that was resulting in at least a few comments escaping the spam filters.
For the moment, I am back using Akismet.
Let me know what you think of the new features and anything else that you think can be improved!
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