DMCA From Hell (PDF) and Bitacle Update
Previously, I promised that once I received word from Google regarding my DMCA notice that I would post it (sans sensitive information). I’m making good on that promise now.
The DMCA Notice from Hell (PDF)
You will notice that, in the notice, I have removed all of Bitacle’s links. Since Google can access PDFs, I didn’t want to risk their links being picked up via this letter.
I hope that this helps in some way. If anyone wants to use it as a template for their own they are definitely free to.
Bitacle Update
In other news, I am noticing some strange behavior on the Bitacle site itself. Most of the ads on it are gone.
Visiting an individual page (see screenshot) no longer displays the deluge of ads (including one banner above and below the content). Now only one ad displays is a block ad next to the comment form (see screenshot).
Whether this has anything to do with my notice or not I do not know. I, like everyone else, will just have to wait and see what Google has to say.
Still, it is very interesting.
Tags: Adsense, Bitacle, Content Theft, Copyright, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Law, DMCA, Google, Plagiarism, RSS, Scraping, Splogging, Splogs
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