Other Sites

Here is a quick rundown of the other places on the Web that you can find myself or other content that relates to Plagiarism Today

Other Blogs

In addition to my time spent on Plagiarism Today, I am fortunate enough to be able to write for several other well-respected blogs.

  • Inelegant Solutions: This is my personal blog and delves into a wide variety of topics from technology to haunted houses. Focuses on frustrations and examples of what I call “beautiful stupidity”.
  • Blog Herald: I write a weekly column, published every Monday dealing with legal and social media issues for bloggers.
  • European Journalism Centre: I write a weekly column, irregularly published, for their “magazine” section. It deals with social media issues as they pertain to mainstream media and journalism.

I definitely encourage you to support these sites.


In addition to writing for other full blogs, I also maintain several microblogging/linkblogging presences to help get information out that doesn’t belong on Plagiarism Today.

  • Tumblr: I maintain an irregularly-updated Tumblr blog to post links and information that pretain directly to plagiarism fighting and cases where Webmasters have had to deal with content theft. It also sometimes offers a preview of future posts here at Plagiarism Today.
  • Diigo: Every Saturday I post a collection of copyright news links for the week. However, you can watch that link list grow every day via my Diigo page.
  • Twitter: Finally, I maintain a Twitter account for those who are interested in following me there. Most of my use of Twitter is personal though I do sometimes send out related links via tweets.

Please feel free to follow me on any of these services and suggest new articles for me to include.

Social Networks

In addition to everything above, you can also find me on the following social networking sites.

  • Facebook: I recently set up a Facebook profile, you can find me either using the link to the left or by searching for my email jonathan at plagiarismtoday dot com.
  • Linkedin: My LinkedIn profile is a bit out of date and needs some retouching, but it is a very popular way for people to establish connections.

As always, feel free to add me. I’d love the chance to speak with you.

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