3 Count: Eight Mile Decision

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1: Spotify Dodges Huge Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Over Eminem Songs
First off, today, Jazz Monroe at Spotify reports that a judge has sided with Spotify in a long-running royalty dispute with music publisher Eight Mile Style, saying that a third party, not Spotify, is responsible for unpaid royalties.
Eight Mile Style sued Spotify in 2019, alleging that the streaming service had no license for the rapper Eminem’s music compositions. Spotify alleged that they secured the rights via Kobalt Music Group, which was then responsible for passing along any royalties.
However, Kobalt Music Group did not have the US and Canada rights to the music, which means Spotify’s streaming was unlicensed. The judge ruled that Eight Mile Style never indicated they had taken over the rights. Between that and the evidence that Spotify did its due diligence but was misled, the judge has said that Kobalt, not Spotify, should be responsible for the infringement.
2: Man Arrested for Sharing Copyright Infringing Nude Scenes Through Reddit
Next up today, Ernesto Van der Sar at Torrentfreak writes that Danish police have arrested a man who shared nude scenes of over 100 female actors on Reddit and various pornographic websites.
The Rights Alliance, on behalf of the Danish Actors’ Association and other rightsholders, brought the issue to the police. They allege that the man, who has not been named, uploaded hundreds of clips of Danish actresses on various websites.
The Danish subreddit he was most active in has been shuttered. However, the English version of the subreddit, which is also the original, remains online. It is unclear what penalties the man faces if convicted.
3: Attorneys For Donald Trump And Eddy Grant Wrangle In Court Hearing Over Use Of ‘Electric Avenue’ In 2020 Campaign Video
Finally, Sean Piccoli at Deadline reports that a judge appeared skeptical of arguments made by attorneys representing Donald Trump in the long-running case against musician Eddy Grant.
Grant sued Trump in 2020, alleging that his campaign used his song Electric Avenue in an ad for Trump’s 2020 reelection run. Both sides are filing motions for summary judgment, attempting to reduce what a jury will hear at a possible trial. However, the judge seemed highly skeptical of the arguments presented by Trump’s attorneys, often interrupting their arguments and challenging them.
The case mirrors one filed this year by the estate of Isaac Hayes. In that case, they were suing over the use of his music at campaign rallies. They have already been granted an injunction barring future use of Hayes’ music.
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