3 Count: Bridgerton Settlement

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1: NYC artist granted first known registered copyright for AI art
First off today, Adam Schrader at UPI reports that New York artist Kris Kashtanova has received a copyright registration for a graphic novel entitled Zarya of the Dawn, representing the first known copyright registration granted to a work of AI-generated artwork.
Back in February, artist Stephen Thaler was denied a similar copyright registration over a piece of AI art entitled A Recent Entrance to Paradise. However, Thaler attempted to list the AI itself as the author, prompting the United States Copyright Office (USCO) to reject the registration as there was no human author.
In Kashtanova’s case, she listed herself as the author but claimed to be using AI as a tool to create the work, with the USCO allowed. However, the move comes as AI-generated art has become increasingly controversial, including earning a ban from Getty Images and other stock photography services.
2: Collage Artist Deborah Roberts Sues Fellow Artist, Gallery Claiming ‘Willful Copyright Infringement’
Next up today, Maximiliano Duron at ARTnews reports that Texas artist Deborah Roberts has filed a lawsuit against Lynthia Edwards and the Richard Beavers Gallery claiming that Edwards deliberately copied Roberts’ artistic style.
The lawsuit alleged that both Edwards and the gallery willfully created and distributed works that were “confusingly similar” to a series of Roberts’ collages. However, Edwards denies the allegations, saying that there was no copying of her work, and accuses Roberts of trying to prevent her from becoming successful in a similar space.
An attorney representing Edwards has said that they are planning their own lawsuit against Roberts and her galleries, citing false statements they allege have been made about Edwards’ work.
3: Netflix Settles Copyright Lawsuit Over ‘Unofficial Bridgerton Musical’
Finally today, Gene Maddaus at Variety reports that Netflix has reached a settlement with the creators of The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical, bringing an end to the case.
The lawsuit was filed by Netflix against musicians Emily Bear and Abigail Barlow. The duo had received permission to create an album based on the TV series but, according to Netflix, crossed a line when they hald ticketed performances of the album, including using various elements of intellectual property connected with the show.
However, the lawsuit is now over and has been dismissed with prejudice, meaning that the suit cannot be refiled. Bear and Barlow have not commented on the case, but a source reports that it has been settled.
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