3 Count: Spinrilla Right Round

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1: Majors and Spinrilla Set Out Jury Selection Questions as Copyright Dispute Proceeds
First off today, Chris Cooke at Complete Music Update reports that jury selection has begun in the impending trial of the mixtape sharing service Spinrilla and the major record labels.
The labels sued Spinrilla in 2018 alleging that the service was unlawfully allowing music they control to appear in mixes without a license. Spinrilla tried to argue that it was protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), but the court ruled in summary judgment that it was not. At the time, Spinrilla had not completed the formalities of having a DMCA agent.
Currently, the two sides are heading toward a trial on the issue of damages with the record labels seeking $150,000 per infringement, with over 4,000 specific infringements identified. Obviously, Spinrilla is hoping for less. The sides are currently hammering out questions for potential jurors, with Spinrilla objecting to questions about the lack of payment to record labels.
2: Turkey to Follow Europe on Copyright Deal with Google
Next up today, the Daily Sabah reports that Turkey is looking to follow in the footsteps of various European countries in striking a deal with Google to ensure payment to the country’s news publishers.
Recently, the European Union passed new legislation that required search engines, such as Google, to pay for licenses from news publishers to feature their work in results. This has led to many publications across Europe striking deals including ones in Germany, France, Hungary and more.
However, though Turkey has close ties with the EU, it not a member state. Despite that, the country’s Parliament is slated to meet with representatives from Google in the near future, and they hope to hammer out an agreement this month.
3: Nintendo Once Again Sent 500+ Copyright Blocks To Remove Soundtrack Music On YouTube
Finally today, Johan Moreno at Frobes reports that Nintendo is once again in the spotlight over takedown notices over Nintendo music, this time targeting the YouTube channel DeoxysPrime with over 500 claims.
The channel is a place that specializes in music featured in video games and anime. They claim that their channel has been hit with over 500 claims by Nintendo for a variety of Nintendo-owned music, forcing them to remove all Nintendo music from the channel.
This is a similar fate that befell SilvaGunner, who had hundreds of their Nintendo-related videos removed by Nintendo. SilvaGunner briefly shut down their channel, but has since returned. As for DeoxysPrimne, they said they have no plans on shutting down at this time.
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