3 Count: Amnesty Offer

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1: Pirate Bay Co-Founder Confirmed Responsible for Copyright Infringement While Involved in the Site in the 2000s
First off today, Chris Cooke at Complete Music Update reports that the Court of Appeal in Finland has ruled that Peter Sunde, the former spokesperson for The Pirate Bay, did violate copyright law as part of his tenure with the site but declined to order him to pay damages.
Back in the mid-to-late 2000s Sunde was widely known as an administrator for The Pirate Bay and served as the site’s spokesperson. He, along with three others, faced criminal charges and were convicted of operating the site. After that criminal case, various entities began suing the operators, including Sunde, personally for their involvement.
Initially, Sunde did not respond to this lawsuit, which was filed by the IFPI, so a lower court issued a judgment in his absence and ordered him to pay 350,000 euros ($421,000) in damages. Sunde appealed that ruling and, though the appeals court did find that Sunde was liable for copyright infringement during his time at the site, they found no evidence he had been a part of it since August 2009. As such, they eliminated the damages but ordered him to pay 7700 euros ($9,260) in legal costs.
2: U.S. Requests Lower Sentence for ‘Cooperative’ Member of Scene Piracy Group
Next up today, Ernesto Van der Sar at Torrentfreak writes that the United States government has requested a lower sentence for Jonatan Correa, a former member of the SPARKS Scene group, saying that Correa was less involved in the group than others and has been cooperative since his arrest.
In August 2020, the U.S. government took down the group, which was responsible for the ripping and uploading of many different films. Correa, for his part in operating the group, faces between 12 and 18 months in prison, which is the sentencing guidelines his co-defendants face.
However, the Department of Justice has recommended a lower sentence for Correa, noting that he has been cooperative, was not a major part of operation and had no financial motive for participating. The DOJ did not say exactly what sentence he should receive, but lawyers representing Correa are hoping that he will avoid jail time altogether.
3: Triller Offers Amnesty Through June 1st To Offenders Targeted in April 17 Piracy Lawsuit
Finally today, Jake Donovan at BoxingScene reports that Triller is offering an amnesty program to those that pirated the recent boxing match between Jake Paul and Ben Askren.
Last week, Triller filed a $100 million lawsuit that targeted not only a dozen alleged pirate sites that hosted illegal streams of the event, but some 100 unnamed users. Those users, or anyone who pirated the match, has the opportunity to simply pay the $50 cost of the stream and receive amnesty for their piracy.
However, that offer is only applicable through June 1st, after that, Triller claims it will begin its efforts to bring every pirate possible to justice as they are seeking both civil damages and criminal charges. They also say that VPNs and other countermeasures will not be effective.
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