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1: Khloe Kardashian Tries to Get Unfiltered Photo Removed from Social Media
First off today, the BBC reports that a Khloe Kardashian is struggling to remove an unfiltered and unedited photo of her that was accidentally uploaded to her social media.
Kardashian has filed a flurry of takedown notices with Twitter and other platforms seeking the removal of a natural, unedited photo that she claims was uploaded to her social media by mistake through an assistant. The photo was distinct because of how natural the image looked, especially when compared to the heavily edited photos she usually uploads.
However, it appears that her attempts to remove the image have resulted, predictably, in a Streisand Effect where the photo is being spread farther and wider due to the campaign to stop it. That includes this particular article being the most read on BBC as of this writing.
2: Jetflicks Defendant Knew Pirate Site Was Illegal, Threatened to Report Founder to MPAA
Next up today, Andy Maxwell at Torrentfreak writes that the former operators of the pirate streaming site Jetflicks are battling a criminal charges filed by the Department of Justice and are attempting to make a novel argument to avoid potential jail time.
The eight men were indicted by a grand jury in August 2019 and are facing various criminal copyright infringement charges. However, they are attempting to argue that they were operating under the advice of counsel and, therefore, were operating in good faith.
However, the DOJ says that the evidence belies that defense noting that the defendants had to know what they were doing was illegal, especially since one threatened to turn in a peer to the MPAA. Also, the idea that they thought they were operating a legal streaming service is further belied by the fact they knew they were obtaining their content from pirate sources such as BitTorrent sites.
3: Maria Schneider Criticizes YouTube’s Repeat Infringer Policies in Ongoing Content ID Litigation
Finally today, Chris Cooke at Complete Music Update reports that the class action lawsuit against YouTube over their copyright polices is moving forward with the remaining named plaintiff, Maria Schneider, saying that YouTube’s repeat infringer policy is insufficient when it comes to Content ID claims.
The lawsuit was filed in the summer of 2020 when Schneider teamed up with the anti-piracy firm Pirate Monitor to allege various inadequacies in YouTube’s copyright systems. However, Pirate Monitor dropped out of the lawsuit after revelations that it was behind many of the uploads it filed takedowns against. This left Schneider, who has access to YouTube’s Content ID system, as the sole named plaintiff.
However, Schneider is not saying that she was improperly withheld access to Content ID, but that YouTube is not applying its repeat infringer policy to Content ID claims, instead leaving it only for cases where full takedown notices are filed. YouTube has not responded to these arguments.
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