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1: Shira Perlmutter Is Named Register of Copyrights
First off today, the United States Copyright Office announced that the Librarian of Congress, Carla Hayden, has appointed Shira Perlmutter as the 14th Register of Copyrights at the U.S. Copyright Office.
The position opened up in January when then-Register Karyn Temple left the position. Association Register Maria Strong assumed the role of acting Register and will continue to do so until late October, when Perlmutter will take over. Strong will return to her role as Associate Register.
Prior to appointment, Perlmutter worked that the United States Patent and Trademark Office where she was the chief policy officer and director for international affairs. Prior to that, she had worked for various other agencies, including the Copyright Office. Her most notable copyright work prior to this appointment was co-leading U.S. delegations negotiating two separate copyright treaties at the World Intellectual Property Organization. Prior to her work in government, she was vice president for global legal policy at the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and worked in private practice.
2: Senate IP Subcommittee Continues Search for Balance on Potential Copyright Reforms
Next up today, Rebecca Tapscott at IP Watchdog reports that, last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property held a hearing looking at possible reforms to Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which deals with the rules surrounding circumventing technological protection measures used prevent access to copyright-protected material.
The hearing saw testimony from a variety of stakeholders including the U.S. Copyright Office, technology companies, universities, organizations representing rightsholders and more. Under the current system, the U.S. Copyright Office reviews exemptions to the anti-circumvention rules and must renew those exemptions every cycle.
The U.S. Copyright Office representative warned against making drastic changes to the law as it is, saying such changes were risky. However, others argued that the law should be amended to allow the Copyright Office to make exemptions permanent and to also ensure that the law didn’t apply to non-infringing activities. In response to that, rightsholders said it was important that the unauthorized access standard remains in effect as a means of keeping the law strong.
3: Nintendo Hits XXX-Rated ‘Peach’s Unknown Tale’ Game With Copyright Complaint
Finally today, Andy Maxwell at Torrentfreak writes that Nintendo has ordered the takedown of a porn parody freeware game, bringing it down after roughly eight years of being online.
The issue centers around the game Peach’s Untold Tale (PUT), a freeware pornographic game first uploaded in 2012 by developer Ivan Aedler. The game focuses on the character Peach from Nintendo’s Super Mario Brothers games and places her in a variety of adult settings.
However, the game is no more as Nintendo has filed a DMCA notice with the game’s host, Github. The takedown has resulted in the entire project being removed including both the game’s web page and download pages. Aedler has not commented on whether he intends to fight the notice.
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