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1: YouTube CEO Calls EU’s Proposed Copyright Regulation Financially Impossible
First off today, Julia Alexander at The Verge reports that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has come out strongly and directly against Article 13 in the latest EU Copyright Directive, saying that it places an impossible burden on platforms like YouTube and that it may result in the blocking of many videos in the EU.
Article 13 is a new directive that is making its way through the EU legislature that would require platforms, like YouTube, to either obtain licenses from rightsholders or block the ability of users to upload infringing copies of those works. However, YouTube claims that the article is overly burdensome and would force them to take drastic action to prevent infringement
According to Wojcicki, Article 13 could result in EU residents being “cut off” from popular videos. Wojcicki specifically highlighted Despacito, the current most popular video on YouTube. While YouTube has a license with many rightsholders, others are unknown. Wojcicki said that such a video might have to be blocked in the EU, despite receiving billions of views to date.
2: Digital Copyright Costs Lands Universities Australia Before Tribunal
Next up today, Matt Johnston at ITNews reports that Universities Australia a group that represents some 39 colleges in the country, is heading to the Copyright Tribunal in its dispute with The Copyright Agency, an organization that represents publishers.
According to The Copyright Agency, the current agreement between the two is unfair in light of changes to the Copyright Act. The two sides are working on a new agreement in the wake of those changes but The Copyright Agency says that an uptick in students and a slew of new ways for works to be shared and used mean that their previous agreement is drastically undervalued.
The Copyright Agency is asking the tribunal to set an interim rate for material to be used under until a new agreement can be reached. However, Universities Australia has hit back saying that they already pay a “fair price” for the content and will continue to do so.
3: Nintendo ‘Wins’ $12 Million From Pirate ROM Site Operators
Finally today, Ernesto at Torrentfreak writes that Nintendo has reached a $12 million settlement with the couple behind the sites LoveROMS.com and LoveRETRO.co, bringing an end to the lawsuit against them.
The case pit the Japanese video game company against the Arizona couple Jacob and Cristian Mathias. The duo ran the sites, which offered many classic games for free download, including many by Nintendo. This prompted Nintendo to file the lawsuit and the Mathias’ initially attempted to defend the lawsuit but this settlement brought it to an abrupt conclusion.
In addition to the $12 million judgment, the settlement issues a permanent injunction against the duo barring them from operating any such site in the future. The settlement needs to be formally approved by the judge but, with both parties agreeing to it, that is almost certain to happen.
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