3 Count: TVEyed

TVEyes takes one more try...

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1: Fox News Taken to Supreme Court in Potential Blockbuster Case

First off today, Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter Esquire reports that the media monitoring service TVEyes has informed the court it will soon be appealing its case to the United States Supreme Court, setting the stage for a potential showdown at the highest court in the land.

TVEyes is a service that monitors and records what is being said on some 1,400 TV and radio stations. It then allows customers to search its library and then download/share relevant clips. This functionality drew a lawsuit from Fox News, which convinced both a lower court and the appeals court that TVEyes was going beyond the bounds of fair use and was committing copyright infringement.

However, some seven months after the appeals court upheld an injunction that barred TVEyes from distributing Fox News content, the company is now attempting to appeal its case to the United States Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court, unlike the appeals court, is not obligated to hear every case appealed to it and only accepts a small percentage of the petitions it receives.

2: Music Piracy is Down in the UK, According to YouGov

Next up today, Tom Prichard at Gizmodo UK reports that, in the UK, a YouGov report indicates that music piracy is down in the country and that legitimate alternatives are the primary cause.

According to the report, 10 percent of British people admit to engaging in music piracy, which is down from 18 percent just five years ago. Of those who have stopped, some 63 percent said that they have moved on to legitimate streaming services, such as Spotify and Apple Music.

Of those who are still pirating music, 63 percent said that they imagine they still will be in 5 years time though 35 percent did say that they felt music piracy was becoming more difficult. Still, 44 percent those who were continuing to pirate music said that they were doing so to obtain music not available on legitimate services, including service-exclusive tracks, which 51 percent of all people complained about.

3: Mastercard and Visa Under Pressure for ‘Enabling’ IPTV Piracy

Finally today, Ernesto at Torrentfreak writes that the anti-piracy firm Irdeto has released a new study that found that pirate IPTV operators rely upon reputable payment processors to collect money for their services.

Though free pirate TV services are common the rise of set-top box piracy, driven by the use of “fully loaded” Kodi boxes, has also created a market for paid pirate TV and movie services. Of those serves, a full 76 percent advertise their payment options, of which Visa, Mastercard and PayPal lead the way.

Of the services that advertised their payment options, Visa and Mastercard were each available on 21 percent and PayPal another 9 percent. Cryptocurrency options were less popular, accounting for just 4 percent. This indicates that illegal streaming services are getting a huge boost from legitimate payment processors, pointing to a possible means of targeting them.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

The 3 Count Logo was created by Justin Goff and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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