3 Count: Lawsuit Riot

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1: Riot Games Sues Mobile Game Developer for Producing Alleged League of Legends Knockoffs

First off today, Andrew Kim at Slingshotesports reports that Riot Games has filed a lawsuit against Chinese mobile game developer Shanghai Moontoon Technology over alleged copyright infringement of Riot’s League of Legends.

League of Legends is a massively popular online video game that has sparked many clones and imitators. According to Riot, some of those imitators include three games by Shanghai Moontoon Technology, which produced mobile games that used characters, artwork, map designs and other elements from their hit.

According to Riot, the breaking point came when they notified the Google Play store about one of the infringing games and successfully got it removed only to have the Shanghai re-upload the exact same game with minor changes and a new name.

2: Daily Mail Sued For ‘Pirating’ Dozens of Viral Videos

Next up today, Ernesto at Torrentfreak writes that British tabloid The Daily Mail has been sued by Rumble, a company that manages the rights for hundreds of thousands of viral videos.

According to the lawsuit, The Daily Mail had a license to use videos managed by Rumble but continued to do so even after their license expired. According to Rumble, after the usage continued they sought out legal counsel to try and bring the matter to the paper’s attention but when that failed, they were forced to file a lawsuit.

The lawsuit, which is filed in a U.S. District Court, alleges willful copyright infringement and is seeking both damages and attorneys fees for the infringement.

3: TheLiberal.ie: Copyright Actions Against Leo Sherlock Settled

Finally today, Elaine Edwards at The Irish Times reports that two court cases against Leo Sherlock, the man behind TheLiberal.ie website, have been settled, bringing the litigation to a close.

The cases involved Independent Newspapers (Ireland) and court reporting agency CCC Nuacht Teoranta. They alleged misuse of their material on TheLiberal over a three-year period. They claimed that Sherlock would take their original reporting and then rewrite the content as to appear original. Sherlock denied the infringement but now has agreed to settle the case.

The settlement requires Sherlock to post an apology on his website and to pay an undisclosed amount in damages. The apology, among other things, requires Sherlock to acknowledge the important work of reporters and to agree to not adapt any content owned by the parties into an article in the future.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

The 3 Count Logo was created by Justin Goff and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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