3 Count: Sculpture Garden
Sculpture ain't there no more...
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1: Porsche Named in Copyright Suit for Creating “Fake Version” of Song to Avoid Paying Royalties
First off today, The Fashion Law reports that Porche and its advertising agency are facing a lawsuit over an ad they created. The lawsuit accuses the two of making a “fake” version of X Ambassadors’ Jungle for the purpose of promoting Porche’s 718 Cayman.
The lawsuit, filed by Songs Music Publishing LLC, claims that the commercial copies “several quantitatively and qualitatively important portions of Jungle.” The lawsuit alleges that this was done in order to pay a royalty on the song, which has been widely used and licensed by others.
Songs Music is seeking both injunctive relief and monetary damages saying that the campaign, despite being created in the United States, has been shown all over the world.
2: Spain Announces New Campaign to Fight Internet Piracy
Next up today, Andy at Torrentfreak writes that the Spain’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport has announced that they will be renewing their focus on internet piracy and related issues.
The announcement came from Minister Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, who told the Congressional Culture Committee about what he is dubbing their “Culture 20/20 Plan”. The plan features a series of steps designed to boost culture in the country including reducing taxes on live entertainment. However, he also said that fighting piracy, both physical and internet piracy, are a core component of the plan.
In addition to working with the Ministry of Justice to tackle piracy and counterfeiting, Méndez de Vigo said they will begin an education campaign, in particular among younger children, to teach a respect for intellectual property and culture.
3: Chinese Authorities Destroy Shanghai Sculpture Exposed as Copy of British Artist’s Iconic London Work
Finally today, Lizzie Dearden at The Independent reports that a sculpture in Shanghai, China has been destroyed after it was revealed to be a near-exact copy of a sculpture in London, England.
The sculpture, which had sat on the Huangpu River for a decade, was nearly identical to Wendy Taylor’s work entitled Timepiece, which sits near the Tower Bridge in London as it has done for more than four decades. Both sculptures were large sundials made out of a large steel ring and a metal spike.
The day after the alleged plagiarism was reported, Chinese authorities screened off the sculpture in Shanghai. Now it’s been reported that the Shanghai sculpture has been dismantled. It is unknown who the sculptor of the Shanghai work was.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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