Goodbye Diigo, Hello Raindrop
Breaking up is hard to do...
One of the things that has been a staple of Plagiarism Today over the past 8 years has been my presence on Diigo.
Diigo has been my choice for bookmarking site since March 2008 when I moved to it primarily to handle show notes for the Copyright 2.0 Show.
Since then, I have added over 7900 bookmarks, all tagged and organized for easy searching. It’s been greatly convenient and, for the most part, a wonderful relationship.
But in late 2014, Diigo depreciated the feature I made the heaviest use of, lists. It replaced the feature with a more powerful tool named Outliners. Though outliners are indeed more powerful and may be useful to some, for my purpose they are simply overloaded with features I have little use for.
Still, I slogged on, even stomaching the price increase that game with having to purchase a higher-tier account to get unlimited outliners (unlimited lists were available at my previous tier).
However, today a planned Copyright 2.0 Show recording was thwarted by an outage with outliners. One that hasn’t been explained or mentioned on any of Diigo’s social media as of this writing. This reminded me just how fragile my work is and sent me seeking alternatives.
To that end, I found what seems to be a great candidate:
I’ve already imported all of my Diigo bookmarks into my Raindrop account and will be giving it a one month trial. What this means to you is that you’ll be seeing Raindrop collections for show notes both for the Copyright 2.0 Show and the 7-in-7.
In this video, I talk more about the transition and why, even now, breaking up is hard to do.
You know that it’s true…
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