3 Count: Expedite and Extradite
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1: Megaupload Founder Kim Dotcom Can be Extradited to the US to Face Copyright Charges
First off today, Rick McCormick at The Verge reports that the judge in the Kim Dotcom extradition hearing has returned his verdict and decided that the United States has made its case and that Dotcom is eligible to be extradited from his home in New Zealand to the U.S.
Dotcom, along with many of his employees, were arrested in January 2012 following a raid that shuttered his then-site Megaupload. According to U.S. authorities, Megaupload was a haven for pirated content and the site earned Dotcom millions of dollars in profits. However, Dotcom’s extradition hearing was repeatedly delayed and only began in September of 2015.
The judge ruled that Dotcom and his employees are eligible for extradition, believing the THE U.S. government presented “overwhelming” evidence. However, Dotcom has said he and his attorneys will appeal the decision, likely delaying his extradition even farther.
2: US Man Accused of Kung Fu Panda Fraud
Next up today, the BBC reports that Jayme Gordon, a man who formerly sued Dreamworks over the film Kung Fu Panda, has been charged with fraud and perjury over the lawsuit, which he was forced to dismiss.
According to prosecutors, Gordon traced some of his drawings from a Lion King coloring book published in 1996 and then claimed that they were created in 1993 and 1994. He then used those images to sue Dreamworks, alleging that the 2008 film Kung Fu Panda was based in part on his “work”. However, when evidence of his false claims were brought to light, Gordon dropped the lawsuit, which had already cost Dreamworks some $3 million to defend against.
Gordon is accused of four counts of wire fraud and three counts of perjury If he is convicted on all counts, he could face up to 20 years in jail.
3: Pandora Makes Peace With Music Copyright Groups
Finally today, the Agence France-Presse is reporting that Internet radio service Pandora has settled long-running cases with the two major groups that represent composers and publishers, ASCAP and BMI, reaching a rate agreement that all parties seem to be happy with.
Back in May, a rate court ruled that Pandora should set aside some 2.5 percent of its revenue to pay BMI however, representing a sharp increase. However, a judge ruled against ASCAP in a similar case, holding it to just 1.85 percent. Pandora had appealed the BMI ruling but that appeal is now dismissed as part of this settlement.
The announcement comes just days after a royalty court ordered Pandora to pay performers a slightly higher rate for music streamed via the service. That ruling was largely seen as a victory for Pandora, which had feared a much greater hike.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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