Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 371 – Holy Copyright Batman

Batman LogoHoly copyright victory batman. This week on the Copyright 2.0 Show we’re looking at the Batmobile, in particular the Batmobile from the 1960s TV show and whether or not it is a copyrighted character.

But that’s not all this week. We have the return of the selfie-taking monkey and the questions about whether or not an animal can hold a copyright. But, before you roll your eyes too hard, Evan gives at least some in the audience a very interesting reason to root for the monkey.

We also have a victory for Pandora in its fight to reduce the royalties it pays for sound recordings. Then we have a video game double header as we first look at the battle over Heroes Charge, where the judge is refusing to issue an injunction despite finding that it is a likely infringement and Wizards of the Cost has settled its lawsuit over the Magic: The Gathering “clone” Hex: Shards of Fate.

Then we wrap up the episode with a quick update on Kim Dotcom’s extradition hearing and one of the most bizarre fashion copyright stories we could have imagined.

All of that plus some costume recommendations on this, Episode 371 of the Copyright 2.0 Show!

This week’s stories include:

  • Batmobile Ruled a Character and Protectable by Copyright
  • PETA Sues to Give Monkey Copyright Control of Photo
  • Pandora Gets a Key Win in its Royalty Fight
  • Heroes Charge and Continue to be Sold Despite Likely Infringement
  • Hex: Shards of Fate is Now Licensed by Wizards of the Coast
  • Kim Dotcom Case Called a ‘Simple Fraud’ By Prosecutors
  • Fingernail Rings Speak Copyright Controversy

You can download the MP3 file here (51:36, direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.

Show Notes



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