Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 358 – Aereo’s Ending

Aereo LogoIt is Friday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.

Due to scheduling we had to record this episode early this week but it really wouldn’t have helped much if we had recorded it on time because we still would have missed out on Grooveshark. So, if you’re looking for our thoughts on that you’re just going to have to wait a week.

But we do get to say goodbye to at least one old friend this week as we have what is likely the swan song for Aereo (not that we haven’t said about a dozen times before). We also have a lot of other important stories too include a new bill that aims to make radio stations pay recording artists royalties, a sampling lawsuit that took an odd turn and the possibility that the consent decrees governing the performing rights groups could be reformed.

All in all, we’ve been away far too long and there is a lot of ground to cover so this is an episode you definitely don’t want to miss!

This week’s stories include:

  • New Bill Seeks to Expand Radio Royalties to Musicians
  • Amazon, Harper Collins Avert Publisher War
  • Sampling Case Delves into Work for Hire Law
  • Game of Thrones Leak Leads to Record Piracy
  • Department of Justice Reviewing ASCAP/BMI Consent Decrees
  • Browsewrap Agreement Upheld for Copyright Transfer
  • Judge Rules “Three’s Company” Play a Fair Use
  • Grooveshark Loses Agains, Faces Heavy Damages
  • Aereo Settles Its Long-Running Case

You can download the MP3 file here (direct download, 1:11:10). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.

Show Notes



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