3 Count: Irish Playboy
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1: Oracle Asks US Supreme Court to Reject Android Copyright Case
First off today, James Niccolai at PCWorld reports that Oracle has filed its motion with the Supreme Court in its case against Google and, as expected, the software giant is asking the court not to hear the case and let an appellate court ruling stand.
The lawsuit began four years ago when Oracle Sued Google over the implementation of JAVA in the Android programming language. Though Google rewrote the language, it reused APIs so that programmers could easily transfer existing JAVA applications. Oracle sued, in part, claiming that those APIs were copyright protected, a fact Google disputed.
The lower court sided with Google, ruling that the APIs were not creative enough to qualify for copyright protection. However, the appeals court overturned that, prompting Google to appeal to the Supreme Court. Oracle has now responded and is asking the court not to take the case, claiming that Google’s code was a plagiarism and a copyright infringement.
2: Playboy Claims Irish Site Broke Copyright with Moss Photos
Next up today, Aodhan O’Faolain at the Irish Times reports that Playboy has filed a lawsuit against Entertainment.ie, alleging that the Irish website published links to infringing images of Kate Moss.
Moss had posed for the magazine as part of its 60th anniversary edition. However, before the magazine was published, several of the photos were leaked and Entertainment.ie prominently linked to them with the line, “It’s all about saving every penny at this time of year.”
Playboy also accuses the site of delaying tactics saying that it is failing to file a defense timely to the lawsuit, preventing a hearing. The site claimed it needed clarification on the lawsui but Playboy has asked the court to force the site to file a defense or having a ruling against it.
3: YouTube Now Tells You How Copyrighted Music Will Affect Your Video Before You Upload It
Finally today, Frederic Lardinois at TechCrunch reports that YouTube has launched a new feature, YouTube Audio Library, that lets uploaders determine if the music in their videos will trigger ContentID match and, if so, what the repercussions will be.
Many Youtube uploader have been frustrated by the ContentID system, which automatically matches uploaded content with a library of copyrighted works. Once matched, the videos are often taken down, restricted to certain countries or have advertisements run against them.
The YouTube Audio Library not only lets users search for songs that they can use in their videos without concern, but warns what actions may be taken against a video using a song if it is detected. YouTube also offers a collection of their own royalty-free tracks that uploader can use without fear of country restrictions, takedowns or losing commercialization.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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