Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 348 – Love Fest

love-imageIt is Monday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.

Warning: There are some audio issues with this podcast. My audio, after I did the level checks, became very muted and I didn’t notice after the show. As a result, my audio sounds fuzzy compared to Evan’s in both the video and podcast version and there isn’t anything I can do. I’ll try to correct this for the next episode.

This is a terrible episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show and I apologize deeply for you having to hear this. I know as a listener of the show you come to see copyright turmoil, giants of industry duking it out to save their lives and opposing ideologies clashing both in and out of the courtroom.

But that’s not the case this week. This is a week about peace and making amends. YouTube making peace with the record labels, Amazon and Hachette working out their differences and even long-time rivals SAP and Oracle putting their differences behind them. Even Smokey Robinson makes peace with his ex-wife this week.

What the heck is wrong with copyright news?

Oh well, at least we have a few good slugfests as the “Innocence of Muslims” ruling is heading back to the 9th Circuit and rapper Ghostface Killah has lost one of the most bizarre copyright lawsuits I can recall.

And, of course, we have a tale of a very bloody victory, but we save that one for last.

All of that and much more on this, Episode 348 of the Copyright 2.0 Show!

This week’s stories include:

  • YouTube Launches Music Key, It’s Music Streaming Service
  • Hachette and Amazon Agree to End Their Dispute
  • SAP and Oracle Settle Their Dispute
  • Smokey Robinson and Ex-Wife Settle Copyright Termination Case
  • Innocence of Muslims Ruling to Be Reheard
  • Ghostface Killah Loses After Not Showing Up
  • Aereo Lays of Staff, Shutters Offices

You can download the MP3 file here (direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.

Show Notes



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