Congress Tackles the Internet
Earlier this week, I posted a guest blog from the wonderful people at Distil and, today, my post, entitled “Congress Tackles the Internet” has gone live on their site.
The post looks at two separate rounds of hearings that have taken place in Congress in recent weeks and months including the recent House Judiciary Committee hearings on copyright the Senate Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism hearings on bots and other threats to the Internet.
Both sets of hearings are looking at revamping and modernizing the laws that govern the Web, many of which were written in the mid-to-late 90s, a very different time for the Internet.
So check out the full post and learn a little bit about what’s going on in Congress and how it might impact you and your site.
Thank you very much to the nice people at Distil for the guest post last week and for the opportunity to post this article on their site.
If others out there would like guest post on PT or work out a similar exchange, please write me and let me know.
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