Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 339 – That Uneasy Feeling
It is Friday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.
Have you ever looked at something and had an uneasy, unsettling feeling? That feeling like something is wrong or out of place. Much of this podcast is about exactly that, specifically when looking at artwork that appears in the Zero Theorem and a 3D printed planter that looks remarkably like Bulbasaur from Pokemon.
But it’s not all about sinking, unsettling similarity, we have a lot of talk about the release of the Expendables 3 and the impact piracy had on it, an update on the lawsuit around the leak of that film and an update on the Aereo case. We also look at Rightscorp ambitious plan for dealing with piracy and the Premier League’s equally ambitious goal for targeting Vines and gifs of its goals.
All in all, even if this episode is a bit unsettling, this is one show you don’t want to miss!
This week’s stories include:
- Expendables 3 Flops, Movie Studios Blame Leak and Following Piracy
- Lionsgate Granted Expedited Discovery in Expendables 3 Lawsuit
- TV Broadcasters Seek Broad Injunction Against Aereo
- Rightscorp Wants “Wheel Lock” for Pirates
- Premier League Targets Vines and Gifs of Goals
- Terry Gilliam Sued Over Graffiti in “Zero Theorem”
- Nintendo Targets 3D Printed Pokemon Planter
You can download the MP3 file here (direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.
About the Hosts
Jonathan Bailey
Jonathan Bailey (@plagiarismtoday) is the Webmaster and author of Plagiarism Today (Hint: You’re there now) and works as a copyright and plagiarism consultant. Though not an attorney, he has resolved over 700 cases of plagiarism involving his own work and has helped countless others protect their work and develop strategies for making their content work as hard as possible toward their goals.
Patrick O’Keefe
Patrick O’Keefe (@iFroggy) is the owner of the iFroggy Network, a network of websites covering various interests. He’s the author of the book “Managing Online Forums,” a practical guide to managing online communities and social spaces. He maintains a blog about online community management at and a personal blog at
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