3 Count: Leaky Daleks

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1: ‘Innocence of Muslims’: Appeals Court Amends Controversial Ruling

First off today, Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter Esquire reports that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has amended their previous and controversial ruling about the film “Innocence of Muslims” and has said that, while Google may be able to win on a fair use argument, that the works of an actor can be copyright protected.

The Innocence of Muslims film, a short trailer posted onto YouTube, sparked outrage in the Muslim world with its inflammatory themes and language. Cindy Garcia, one of the actors in the film, said she was duped into appearing and did not sign over her rights into the film. She used that argument to file takedown notices with Google to remove the film, which Google ignored, prompting Garcia to sue.

The 9th Circuit ruling found that Google could be liable for not taking down the film and ordered its removal. That ruling sent shockwaves through Hollywood with many studios worrying that any actor appearing in any film could claim copyright in their performance and demand removal or royalties from their work.

2: News Corp calls for piracy crackdown in Australia

Next up today, Mark Sweney at The Guardian reports that, in Australia, News Corp has filed a Senate submission to ask that copyright laws be amended to add “secondary liability” of ISPs for when their networks are used to pirate content.

The submission is part of feedback on a proposed free trade agreement between Australia and South Korea. News Corp is supporting two clauses that are in that agreement including the one that provides legal incentives for ISPs to work with copyright holders and another that provides for measures to curtail repeated infringement on the Web.

News Corp, in addition to owning 20th Century Fox, also owns a collection of newspapers and other media properties. The filing also cited ongoing disputes with Australian ISP iiNet, which so far has avoided any legal liability or taking any action against suspected infringers.

3: Doctor Who Unfinished Footage Leaked Online

Finally today, The BBC is reporting that over an hour of footage from the upcoming Doctor Who series has leaked online, some six weeks before its intended debut in August.

The footage, which is clearly unfinished, has leaked onto various BitTorrent sites and includes the unfinished first episode of the new series. The copy claims to be a screener, possibly sent out for captioning.

The leak is actually the second such leak this month with scripts from the upcoming series were leaked just last week.


That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.

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