Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 314 – Supreme Acceptance

Supreme CourtIt is Friday again and that means that it is time for another episode of the Copyright 2.0 Show.

What has thousands of tiny antennas and is heading to the Supreme Court? Aereo.

That’s right, the case that has spanned the nation, been fought in multiple states by two separate defendants and countless plaintiffs is getting its day before the Supreme Court, hopefully to resolve the issue once and for all.

But that is not the only big story going on. We have news that the AFP and Getty Images are seeking a new trial or a damage reduction in their case against photographer Daniel Morel, The Marvin Gaye estate settles with one of the defendants in the “Blurred Lines” lawsuit and we have yet another “Hot News” lawsuit that’s just beginning.

We also have a few other milestones as Fullscreen reaches a settlement with the National Music Publishers Association, leaked (and likely fake) Grand Theft Auto 5 PC footage received credibility following a copyright notice and the record industry has sent its 100 millionth DMCA takedown notice to Google.

All of that and much more on this, Episode 314 of the Copyright 2.0 Show!

This week’s stories include:

  • Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Aereo Case
  • AFP and Getty Images Ask for New Trial
  • Gaye Estate Settles with Sony/ATV
  • News Corp Files Another “Hot News” Lawsuit
  • Fullscreen and NMPA Settle
  • Grand Theft Auto 5 Footage Taken Down, Given Credibility
  • Record Industry Has Sent Google 100 Million DMCA Notices

You can download the MP3 file here (1:22:15, direct download). Those interested in subscribing to the show can do so via this feed.

Show Notes

About the Hosts

Jonathan Bailey


Jonathan Bailey (@plagiarismtoday) is the Webmaster and author of Plagiarism Today (Hint: You’re there now) and works as a copyright and plagiarism consultant. Though not an attorney, he has resolved over 700 cases of plagiarism involving his own work and has helped countless others protect their work and develop strategies for making their content work as hard as possible toward their goals.

Patrick O’Keefe


Patrick O’Keefe (@PatrickOkeefe) is the owner of the iFroggy Network, a network of websites covering various interests. He’s the author of the book “Managing Online Forums,” a practical guide to managing online communities and social spaces. He maintains a blog about online community management at and a personal blog at



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