3 Count: Leaking Out
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1: Trade Deal Could Be Bitter Medicine
First off today, Phillip Dorling at The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the paper was given a preview of a draft of the controversial and secretive Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement before it was leaked in full by Wikileaks. The draft reveals the negotiating positions of 12 countries, including the U.S., Australia and Mexico among others.
The treaty reveals efforts by various nations to strengthen both copyright laws and copyright enforcement in all of the signatory countries and also strengthen patent law for things such as pharmaceuticals.
At this time, many of the statements and items in the draft are only supported by one or two nations, meaning they may or may not make it into the final agreement if one is reached. The next round of TPP negotiations is set to begin next week in Utah and many nations have expressed hope to have a deal by the end of the year.
2: Lil’ Kim Album Art Stolen? Reddit User Samantha Ravndahl May Sue Rapper Over Artwork
Next up today, Jill Hiller at the International Business Times reports that rapper Lil’ Kim is facing allegations that she lifted the cover of her upcoming album from a makeup artist that had published the photo online, all without permission or attribution.
Lil’ Kim recently posted a preview of her upcoming album cover, which shows a face of a woman in zombie makeup. However, it now appears that the photo was not of Lil’ Kim and, instead, was makeup artist Samantha Ravndahl, who posted the photo to her blog as part of a makeup tutorial.
Ravndahl, who posted about the alleged misappropriation on Reddit, said that she has attempted to contact people who work for Lil’ Kim with no luck. Though Ravndahl has said she is talking with an attorney, the issue is already playing out in public as people who support her have been posting heavily to Lil’ Kim sites and forums.
3: Beastie Boys Copyright Infringement Suit Against Monster to Proceed
Finally today, Zach Warren at Inside Counsel reports that the Beastie Boy have won the right to continue with their lawsuit against Monster over what they see as copyright infringement of their music used in promotional material for the brand.
According to the lawsuit, the Beastie Boys gave permission to DJ Z-Trip for the DJ to record several remixes of popular Beastie Boys songs for a performance at a Monster-sponsored snowboarding competition. However, after the competition, Monster went on to use the remixes in other promotional videos, which the band say they did not have permission to do.
Monster had sought to have the case dismissed on the grounds that the band had given permission to the DJ for the songs. Monster had also filed against the DJ in the case but that motion was also thrown out. The band is seeking $150,00 in damages from Monster.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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