Happy Mardi Gras 2013
Just a quick note to everyone that, as is the tradition at this time of year, there won’t be any additional posts either today or tomorrow on Plagiarism Today as tomorrow is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) and I will betaking some time off to enjoy the festivities as much as weather will allow.
I will be doing some work for clients and answering some email as time permits today and maybe tomorrow morning, but I expect to be on silent most of the day tomorrow including, here, Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere.
I will return Wednesday the 13th and will be working normal hours, including a Copyright 2.0 Show with Patrick O’Keefe at 5 PM ET, as usual.
In the meantime, feel free to like Plagiarism Today on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus if you want and I will be back to normal schedule Wednesday.
Regardless of where you are, have a happy Mardi Gras!
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