3 Count: Guyana Textbooks
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1: US to Launch Six-Strikes Copyright System This Year
First off today, Juha Saarinen of iTnews writes that the U.S. “six strikes” system, originally slated to launch at the end of last year and then again in June this year, will launch at the end of this year. The system is being overseen by the Center for Copyright Information (CCI). According to the CCI, that system, which they say will not result in the disconnection of suspected file sharing, will work to educate reported infringers through warnings and videos. The system is a cooperative one between copyright holders and ISPs in the U.S. and will cover most Internet users. A similar system is being negotiated by the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) through the nation’s Attorney-General Department.
2: No Hurry for Modern Copyright Law but No “Lampy-Pampy” Pirated Books Allowed
Next up today, Denis Scott Chabrol of Demerara Waves writes that Guyana, a small South American country, is defending its use of pirated textbooks and says that it is in no hurry to update its copyright legislation, which was last updated in 1956, before the country’s independence from Britain in 1966. The Education Minister in the country is seeking bids for various textbooks however those textbooks are mass-produced unauthorized copies of the original works, with the contract stipulating that they must be as close as possible to the original. The minister conceded that the government is breaching copyright but defended its buying of pirated books saying that, if they paid the full price they could only afford one set per class and not one set per child.
3: Bob Dylan Calls Plagiarism Accusers “Wussies”
Finally today, Lauren Moraski of CBS News reports htat Bob Dylan is lashing out at critics that are accusing him of plagiarism. Plagiarism allegations have been hurled at Dylan regularly over the years but recent attacks point to similarities between his lyrics and earlier works by Japanese author Junichi Saga and poet Henry Timrod. Dyland has responded calling his critics “wusses” and saying that such repurposing is part of the folk and jazz tradition he is a part of. However, in 1995 Dylan sued Hootie and the Blowfish over the song “Only Wanna Be With You” claiming that they borrowed his lyrics for the track. That lawsuit was settled out of court.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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