3 Count: Curiosity Killed…
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1: Exorcising the Demon(oid): Ukrainians Raid Massive BitTorrent Tracker
First off today, Cyrus Farivar of Ars Technica writes that there may be more to the recent Demonoid closure than previously thought. The Bittorrent tracker went down last week due to a DDOS attack, however it now appears that the Ukrainian government, which is where the site was hosted, raided the datacenter where the servers were stored and seized the servers. The move came after both the DDOS attack, which also allegedly came from Ukraine, and a “hacker” attack that further damaged the servers. According to at least one source, the closure of Demonid was to time out with a meeting by Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Valeriy Khoroshkovsky meeting with the U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, though at least one report said that the site did not come up in their discussions.
2: Copyright Bot Boots NASA Rover Vid Off YouTube
Next up today, Brid-Aine Parnell at The Register writes that an error in YouTube’s Content matching system, which automatically scans videos for infringing material, resulted in copies of Curiosity rover landing being removed from the site. The footage, which is public domain due to it being produced by NASA, which is part of the Federal government, was mistakenly flagged as being owned by the online magazine Motherboard, which caused the video to taken down by “Scripps Local News” as per the notices. Scripps apologized for the problem and the matter was fixed within a few hours. They also claim to have “adjusted” their “workflow process” to prevent the error from happening again.
3: Authors Guild Seeks $2 Billion From Google for Book Scanning
Finally today, David Kravets at Wired reports that the Authors Guild, in its case against Google over the search giant’s Book Search tool is seeking some $2 billion in damages. The guild is seeking the minimum amount allowed under the law, $750, for each of 2.7 million books Google scanned through its partnership with various libraries. Google scanned the books to make them searchable but only displayed snippets on its site. Google argues both that this is a fair use and that the Authors Guild is not the appropriate party to litigate the case. The two sides, previously, had inked several deals to settle the suit, but all were rejected by the judge.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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