3 Count: Goooooal!
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1: EU Backs Fans Watching Soccer on Cheap Decoders
First off today, a ruling by the EU’s highest court may change the way fans all over the continent view soccer matches. The case centers around a British pub owner, Karen Murphy, who was sued by the England’s Premier League after she used a cheap Greek decoder to view league matches in her pub. The decoder cost a fraction of what it would have cost to subscribe to Sky TV, the broadcaster with the UK rights. That prompted the suit from the league. Though a lower court ruled against Murphy, the higher court said that a local law barring the importation and sale of such decoders could not be justified and that the matches themselves do not qualify for copyright protection, though pre-game material, overlays and other elements might. The decision now goes back to the lower court, which has to take the advisement and apply it.
2: Legal Expert Says Anti-counterfeit Deal Should Be Scrapped
Next up today, a Douwe Korff, professor of international law at London Metropolitan University, was recently hired by the Greens in the EU Parliament to study the human rights implications of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). He concluded that the agreement may negatively impact free speech and personal excpression by not allowing trivial or otherwise beneficial infringements. However, the EU Parliament has asked its own legal committee, the JURI committee, to look into the legality of ACTA as well.
3: Century 21 Canada wins lawsuit against Rogers subsidiary Zoocasa
Finally today, in a story that I missed when it first broke, Century 21 Canada has won its lawsuit against Zoocasa, a real estate searching site that Century 21 accused of scraping content from their Web presence. According to the ruling, the scraping was a violation of both copyright law and Century 21’s terms of service. The court ordered Zoocasa to stop misusing the site and to pay $1,000 in damages.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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