Announcing Creepy Copyright Mondays in October
People who know me personally know that I am a huge fan of Halloween, horror movies and all things that go “bump” in the night. Every year I take a lot of time off in October to work on a small New Orleans-area haunted house I run and will likely be doing so again this year, at least later in the month.
However, this year I wanted to combine my passion for copyright/plagiarism issues with my passion for Halloween and do something special for Plagiarism Today.
So, all month during Halloween we’ll be talking copyright and horror every Monday. We’ll start this coming Monday talking about the copyright challenges my better half, Crystal, and I faced when creating our new horror movie review series, Garbage Horror, then we’ll discuss how copyright law shaped the horror landscape, including our perception of zombies and vampires as well as some of our more modern characters.
The month will conclude with a special Halloween-day post about great public domain horror movies you can enjoy Halloween night for free legally.
All in all, I’m hoping it will be a fun but still educational look at the role copyright plays both in modern and older horror movies.
If you’re interested, last year I did a post about the copyright risks associated with Halloween, so you can understand some of the hazards associated with running your own haunted house or scary party.
So stay tuned next week for the first posting in Creepy Copyright as we take a look at the copyright challenges in starting a horror review series…
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