3 Count: Wronghaven
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1: Judge Fines Righthaven $5,000
First off today, a Las Vegas judge has fined Righthaven, the group suing alleged infringers of content from the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Denver Post, $5,000 for misrepresenting its relationship with Stephens Media, the parent of the Review-Journal. According to the judge, Righthaven attempted to manufacture standing in its various lawsuits through an agreement with Stephens Media that did not actually grant them grounds to sue. According to Righthaven, the issues were unintentional and have been fixed in changes to the agreement. Several of Righthaven’s cases have been dismissed on these grounds and the new versions of the agreement are still subject to court challenges. Righthaven is considering an appeal.
2: The Dark Knight Rises ‘Trailer’ Removed for Copyright Infringement by Warner Bros.
Next up today, a trailer for the upcoming movie “The Dark Knight Rises”, the third and final movie in the recent Batman series, has been removed from YouTube and other video streaming sites. The trailer made its debut before “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2”, which first hit theaters Friday at shortly after midnight. According to Warner Brothers, the studio behind “The Dark Knight Rises” the official version of the trailer will be released today for the public.
3: Aretha Franklin’s Songwriter Sues Over Royalties
Finally today, songwriter Norman West, who has partnered with Aretha Franklin for over 20 years, is now suing Franklin’s publisher for unpaid royalties. According to West, Springtime Publishing Inc. has not gotten a signed royalty agreement for Franklin’s song “Put It Back Together Again,” which appears on Franklin’s latest album. West is also suing over copyright infringement of “Watch My Back,” an earlier song. According to West, he holds the company in high respects but felt forced to take this action after private collection efforts failed.
That’s it for the three count today. We will be back tomorrow with three more copyright links. If you have a link that you want to suggest a link for the column or have any proposals to make it better. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I hope to hear from you.
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